Demo: Finite differences - 2D wave equation¶
In this tutorial we show how to use the finite difference module of pystencils to solve a 2D wave equations. The time derivative is discretized by a simple forward Euler method.
We begin by creating three numpy arrays for the current, the previous and the next timestep. Actually we will see later that two fields are enough, but let’s keep it simple. From these numpy arrays we create pystencils fields to formulate our update rule.
size = (60, 70) # domain size
u_arrays = [np.zeros(size), np.zeros(size), np.zeros(size)]
u_fields = [ps.Field.create_from_numpy_array("u%s" % (name,), arr)
for name, arr in zip(["0", "1", "2"], u_arrays)]
# Nicer display for fields
for i, field in enumerate(u_fields):
field.latex_name = "u^{(%d)}" % (i,)
pystencils contains already simple rules to discretize the a diffusion term. The time discretization is done manually.
discretize = ps.fd.Discretization2ndOrder()
def central2nd_time_derivative(fields):
f_next, f_current, f_last = fields
return (f_next[0, 0] - 2 * f_current[0, 0] + f_last[0, 0]) / discretize.dt**2
rhs = ps.fd.diffusion(u_fields[1], 1)
wave_eq = sp.Eq(central2nd_time_derivative(u_fields), discretize(rhs))
wave_eq = sp.simplify(wave_eq)
The explicit Euler scheme is now obtained by solving above equation with respect to \(u_C^{next}\).
u_next_C = u_fields[-1][0, 0]
update_rule = ps.Assignment(u_next_C, sp.solve(wave_eq, u_next_C)[0])
Before creating the kernel, we substitute numeric values for \(dx\) and \(dt\). Then a kernel is created just like in the last tutorial.
update_rule = update_rule.subs({discretize.dx: 0.1, discretize.dt: 0.05})
ast = ps.create_kernel(update_rule)
kernel = ast.compile()
FUNC_PREFIX void kernel(double * RESTRICT const _data_u0, double * RESTRICT const _data_u1, double * RESTRICT _data_u2)
for (int64_t ctr_0 = 1; ctr_0 < 59; ctr_0 += 1)
double * RESTRICT _data_u2_00 = _data_u2 + 70*ctr_0;
double * RESTRICT _data_u1_01 = _data_u1 + 70*ctr_0 + 70;
double * RESTRICT _data_u1_00 = _data_u1 + 70*ctr_0;
double * RESTRICT _data_u1_0m1 = _data_u1 + 70*ctr_0 - 70;
double * RESTRICT _data_u0_00 = _data_u0 + 70*ctr_0;
for (int64_t ctr_1 = 1; ctr_1 < 69; ctr_1 += 1)
_data_u2_00[ctr_1] = -1.0*_data_u0_00[ctr_1] + 0.25*_data_u1_00[ctr_1 + 1] + 0.25*_data_u1_00[ctr_1 - 1] + 0.25*_data_u1_01[ctr_1] + 0.25*_data_u1_0m1[ctr_1] + 1.0*_data_u1_00[ctr_1];
[_data_u0, _data_u1, _data_u2]
{u0: double[60,70], u1: double[60,70], u2: double[60,70]}
To run simulation a suitable initial condition and boundary treatment is required. We chose an initial condition which is zero at the borders of the domain. The outermost layer is not changed by the update kernel, so we have an implicit homogenous Dirichlet boundary condition.
X,Y = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(0, 1, size[1]), np.linspace(0,1, size[0]))
Z = np.sin(2*X*np.pi) * np.sin(2*Y*np.pi)
# Initialize the previous and current values with the initial function
np.copyto(u_arrays[0], Z)
np.copyto(u_arrays[1], Z)
# The values for the next timesteps do not matter, since they are overwritten
u_arrays[2][:, :] = 0
One timestep now consists of applying the kernel once, then shifting the arrays.
def run(timesteps=1):
for t in range(timesteps):
kernel(u0=u_arrays[0], u1=u_arrays[1], u2=u_arrays[2])
u_arrays[0], u_arrays[1], u_arrays[2] = u_arrays[1], u_arrays[2], u_arrays[0]
return u_arrays[2]
Lets create an animation of the solution:
if shutil.which("ffmpeg") is not None:
ani = plt.surface_plot_animation(run, zlim=(-1, 1))
print("No ffmpeg installed")
No ffmpeg installed
assert np.isfinite(np.max(u_arrays[2]))
Runing on GPU
We can also run the same kernel on the GPU, by using the cupy
import cupy
except ImportError:
print('No cupy installed')
res = None
if cupy:
gpu_ast = ps.create_kernel(update_rule, target=ps.Target.GPU)
gpu_kernel = gpu_ast.compile()
res = ps.show_code(gpu_ast)
FUNC_PREFIX __launch_bounds__(256) void kernel(double * RESTRICT const _data_u0, double * RESTRICT const _data_u1, double * RESTRICT _data_u2)
if (blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x + 1 < 59 && blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y + 1 < 69)
const int64_t ctr_0 = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x + 1;
const int64_t ctr_1 = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y + 1;
double * RESTRICT _data_u2_10 = _data_u2 + ctr_1;
double * RESTRICT _data_u1_10 = _data_u1 + ctr_1;
double * RESTRICT _data_u1_11 = _data_u1 + ctr_1 + 1;
double * RESTRICT _data_u1_1m1 = _data_u1 + ctr_1 - 1;
double * RESTRICT _data_u0_10 = _data_u0 + ctr_1;
_data_u2_10[70*ctr_0] = -1.0*_data_u0_10[70*ctr_0] + 0.25*_data_u1_10[70*ctr_0 + 70] + 0.25*_data_u1_10[70*ctr_0 - 70] + 0.25*_data_u1_11[70*ctr_0] + 0.25*_data_u1_1m1[70*ctr_0] + 1.0*_data_u1_10[70*ctr_0];
The run function has to be changed now slightly, since the data has to be transfered to the GPU first, then the kernel can be executed, and in the end the data has to be transfered back
if cupy:
def run_on_gpu(timesteps=1):
# Transfer arrays to GPU
gpuArrs = [cupy.asarray(cpu_array) for cpu_array in u_arrays]
for t in range(timesteps):
gpu_kernel(u0=gpuArrs[0], u1=gpuArrs[1], u2=gpuArrs[2])
gpuArrs[0], gpuArrs[1], gpuArrs[2] = gpuArrs[1], gpuArrs[2], gpuArrs[0]
# Transfer arrays to CPU
for gpuArr, cpuArr in zip(gpuArrs, u_arrays):
cpuArr[:] = gpuArr.get()
assert np.isfinite(np.max(u_arrays[2]))
if cupy: