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The pystencils Source File Generator

A bridge over the semantic gap between code emitted by pystencils and your C/C++/Cuda/HIP framework.


From Git

Install the package into your current Python environment from the git repository using pip (usage of virtual environments is strongly encouraged!):

pip install git+

From PyPI

Not yet available.


With pystencils-sfg, including your pystencils-generated kernels with handwritten code becomes straightforward and intuitive. To illustrate, generating a Jacobi smoother for the two-dimensional Poisson equation and mapping it onto C++23 std::mdspans takes just a few lines of code:

import sympy as sp

from pystencils import fields, kernel

from pystencilssfg import SourceFileGenerator, SfgComposer
from pystencilssfg.source_concepts.cpp import mdspan_ref

with SourceFileGenerator() as ctx:
    sfg = SfgComposer(ctx)

    u_src, u_dst, f = fields("u_src, u_dst, f(1) : double[2D]", layout="fzyx")
    h = sp.Symbol("h")

    def poisson_jacobi():
        u_dst[0,0] @= (h**2 * f[0, 0] + u_src[1, 0] + u_src[-1, 0] + u_src[0, 1] + u_src[0, -1]) / 4

    poisson_kernel = sfg.kernels.create(poisson_jacobi)

        sfg.map_field(u_src, mdspan_ref(u_src)),
        sfg.map_field(u_dst, mdspan_ref(u_dst)),
        sfg.map_field(f, mdspan_ref(f)),

Take this code, store it into a file, and enter the magic words into a terminal:


This command will execute the code generator through the SourceFileGenerator context manager. The code generator takes the name of your Python script, replaces .py with .cpp and .h, and writes poisson_smoother.cpp and poisson_smoother.h into the current directory, ready to be #included.

The above is what we call a generator script; a Python script that, when executed, produces a pair of source files of the same name, but with different extensions. Generator scripts are the primary front-end pattern of pystencils-sfg; to learn more about them, read the Usage Guide.

CMake Integration

Pystencils-sfg comes with a CMake module to register generator scripts for on-the-fly code generation. With the module loaded, use the function pystencilssfg_generate_target_sources inside your CMakeLists.txt to register one or multiple generator scripts; their outputs will automatically be added to the specified target.

pystencilssfg_generate_target_sources( <target name> 
    SCRIPTS ...

Pystencils-sfg makes sure that all generated files are on the project's include path. To #include them, add the prefix gen/<target name>:

#include "gen/<target name>/kernels.h"

For details on how to add pystencils-sfg to your CMake project, refer to CLI and Build System Integration.